Implementing Campaign Manager - System Management

Configuring The SMTP Server For Approvals And Peer Review

Configure the SMTP server to be used with Approvals and Notes so that notification emails can be sent out to approvers and reviewers.

Note: These configuration instructions assume that there is authentication in place between the Campaign Manager Application server and the SMTP server. For some client-specific environments, additional configuration may be required. Contact Support for more information.

An API is provided to configure the SMTP server used by all clients to send approval and peer review emails. The easiest way to access this API is via the API help page.


  1. From the slide-out navigation pane click API Help.
  2. Click Services API.
  3. Select Services API Methods
  4. Navigate to the System section.
    The easiest way to do this is to click on the System link at the top of the screen
  5. Select the UpdateSMTPHost method.
  6. Click on the Live example link.
  7. Enter the name of the SMTP server in the HostName field.
    If the SA token check box is selected, you have the relevant permissions to perform this task.
  8. Click Obtain Token.
  9. In the Generate Token box, enter the main system account user name and password in the User Name and Password fields.
  10. Click Get Token.
  11. When the token has been returned, click Go.
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